Bush Balm Healing Salve
Bush Balm
A hydrating balm made of the bush to help heal dry, cracked, irritated and sore hands. Also works great on bug bites, scratches and rashes. This balm is made of bear fat, mixed conifer resins, usnea, olive oil and local beeswax. Oils have been infused for many moons and bear fat carefully rendered to make a potent end product. The healing properties of bear fat have been used for centuries by indigenous peoples to help heal rashes, burns, scrapes, arthritis, tendonitis and sprains. Apply topically to problem areas as needed. This salve is essential oil and chemical free. Enjoy the natural scents and healing of the bush.
made in small batches only
essential oil free
simple natural ingredients
Bush Balm
A hydrating balm made of the bush to help heal dry, cracked, irritated and sore hands. Also works great on bug bites, scratches and rashes. This balm is made of bear fat, mixed conifer resins, usnea, olive oil and local beeswax. Oils have been infused for many moons and bear fat carefully rendered to make a potent end product. The healing properties of bear fat have been used for centuries by indigenous peoples to help heal rashes, burns, scrapes, arthritis, tendonitis and sprains. Apply topically to problem areas as needed. This salve is essential oil and chemical free. Enjoy the natural scents and healing of the bush.
made in small batches only
essential oil free
simple natural ingredients
Bush Balm
A hydrating balm made of the bush to help heal dry, cracked, irritated and sore hands. Also works great on bug bites, scratches and rashes. This balm is made of bear fat, mixed conifer resins, usnea, olive oil and local beeswax. Oils have been infused for many moons and bear fat carefully rendered to make a potent end product. The healing properties of bear fat have been used for centuries by indigenous peoples to help heal rashes, burns, scrapes, arthritis, tendonitis and sprains. Apply topically to problem areas as needed. This salve is essential oil and chemical free. Enjoy the natural scents and healing of the bush.
made in small batches only
essential oil free
simple natural ingredients