Giant Yellow Hyssop Native Seed - Agastache nepetoides
Perennial Zones 2–8 - Native - Edible - Medicinal - Pollinators
Tall, yellow to green flower spikes that can reach up to 4-6ft tall. Blooms July-Oct. Favourite of pollinators. Great Cut flowers. Medicinal mint family Herb. Full sun to partial shade. Native Ontario wildflower.
Perennial Zones 2–8 - Native - Edible - Medicinal - Pollinators
Tall, yellow to green flower spikes that can reach up to 4-6ft tall. Blooms July-Oct. Favourite of pollinators. Great Cut flowers. Medicinal mint family Herb. Full sun to partial shade. Native Ontario wildflower.
Perennial Zones 2–8 - Native - Edible - Medicinal - Pollinators
Tall, yellow to green flower spikes that can reach up to 4-6ft tall. Blooms July-Oct. Favourite of pollinators. Great Cut flowers. Medicinal mint family Herb. Full sun to partial shade. Native Ontario wildflower.