Chamomile + Oats Soothing Lotion - Rashes, Eczema, Mild Pains
Chamomile + Oats Lotion
Ceamy, soothing lotion crafted from natural ingredients. Homegrown chamomile and oats straw infused into sunflower oil for many moons. Whipped together with shea butter, local beeswax, chamomile & oats infusion, chamomile EO. Emulsified with sunflower lecithin and sodium tetraborate. This lotion is made to soothe inflammation and irritation to the skin like rashes, itching, eczema, psoriasis etc. Light chamomile, apple like scent. Made with no harsh chemicals just simple plant infusions.
Chamomile + Oats Lotion
Ceamy, soothing lotion crafted from natural ingredients. Homegrown chamomile and oats straw infused into sunflower oil for many moons. Whipped together with shea butter, local beeswax, chamomile & oats infusion, chamomile EO. Emulsified with sunflower lecithin and sodium tetraborate. This lotion is made to soothe inflammation and irritation to the skin like rashes, itching, eczema, psoriasis etc. Light chamomile, apple like scent. Made with no harsh chemicals just simple plant infusions.
Chamomile + Oats Lotion
Ceamy, soothing lotion crafted from natural ingredients. Homegrown chamomile and oats straw infused into sunflower oil for many moons. Whipped together with shea butter, local beeswax, chamomile & oats infusion, chamomile EO. Emulsified with sunflower lecithin and sodium tetraborate. This lotion is made to soothe inflammation and irritation to the skin like rashes, itching, eczema, psoriasis etc. Light chamomile, apple like scent. Made with no harsh chemicals just simple plant infusions.