A guided plant & fungi walk and forage to learn about wild foods and medicines growing in our area. We will explore how to identify and use certain plants or fungi that we encounter on our walk. We will be primarily focusing on plants as there is not many mushrooms out at the moment. We will learn how to harvest sustainably, safely and respectfully. We will take a small break to learn some simple bush first aid and to study some specimens.
This walk is more suitable for adults or older children but everyone is welcome. No prior experience is required. Most of our hike will be on a trail but some rocky or rough terrain. There will be some steeper inclines so make sure you are physically able to participate.
Please wear proper clothing and foot wear ex. Pants, long sleeves, close toed shoes and don’t forget your bug spray! Feel free to bring a drink & a basket/bag for anything you might find on the walk. If you have any field guides feel free to bring them.
The walk will be approximately 2-3hrs in length. Starts at 1pm so please arrive just before so no one is left behind. This event is weather permitting.
If it is pouring rain it will be postponed but a little sprinkle we can manage.
The cost is $40 per person or $60 for couples. It can be paid by cash or e-transfer.
Please notify us if you would like to attend or if you no longer can so spots can be filled as there is limited spots. We will be respecting social distancing measures.
We are offering this same workshop at two different dates: August 21 or August 25. Please let us know which date you would like to attend.
This might be the last time this year that we can offer this exact workshop because the seasons are changing and the plants are dying off. We will be offering some more workshops that revolve more around mushrooms and fall edibles this fall.
There will be a chance to purchase some of our herbal offerings after the walk for those who are interested.